首頁 » 【家匠TMF x 安信EarnMORE/WeWa信用卡】簽賬賺高達$1,320現金回贈*

【家匠TMF x 安信EarnMORE/WeWa信用卡】簽賬賺高達$1,320現金回贈*

「Pricerite 實惠 / 家匠TMF購物優惠」條款及細則︰

1.       「Pricerite 實惠 / 家匠TMF購物優惠」(「本推廣」)只適用於持有有效之安信信貸有限公司(「安信」) 發出的EarnMORE信用卡或WeWa信用卡(「合資格信用卡」)之持卡人 (「客戶」)。

2.       本推廣之推廣期為2024年11月26日至2025年2月10日(包括首尾兩日)(「推廣期」)。

3.       客戶必須於推廣期內於OmyCard手機應用程式 (「手機程式」)登記及以其合資格信用卡於實惠集團有限公司 (「商戶」)旗下品牌Pricerite實惠及家匠TMF(統稱「參與品牌商戶」)簽賬,方可享有本推廣優惠的相關優惠 。 即使客戶持有多於一張有效之合資格信用卡,客戶於推廣期內只須於手機程式登記一次。

4.       於推廣期內,客戶以其持有之任何一張合資格信用卡於任何Pricerite實惠香港分店及/或網店www.pricerite.com.hk及/或手機應用程式購買任何產品及/或於任何家匠TMF香港分店購買訂造傢俬單筆合資格簽賬HK$500至HK$1,999,該筆簽賬可獲HK$30現金回贈,單筆合資格簽賬HK$2,000至HK$4,999,該筆簽賬可獲HK$100現金回贈,單筆合資格簽賬滿HK$5,000或以上,該筆簽賬可獲HK$330現金回贈。 (「優惠」)。

5.       合資格簽賬是指於推廣期間內同一曆日以合資格信用卡在參與品牌Pricerite實惠香港香港分店及/或網店及/或手機應用程式購買任何產品進行及/或在家匠TMF香港分店購買訂造傢俬的最高單筆簽賬金額之零售交易(「合資格簽賬」)。如客戶當日於參與品牌商戶以合資格信用卡進行多於一筆簽賬,只有合資格簽賬會用以計算客戶於優惠本推廣所獲享的現金回贈,而該日的其他簽賬將不會同時獲享優惠本推廣的現金回贈。

6.       合資格簽賬並不包括以下類別之簽賬交易:購買Pricerite實惠或家匠TMF現金券之交易、分單簽賬交易、經由OmyCard手機應用程式、雲閃付APP及Apple Pay以外之流動支付平台的簽賬交易、未入賬/取消/退款/退回/偽造之交易、所有未經授權之交易及安信及商戶不時決定之其他類別交易。

7.       於整個推廣期內,每位客戶於本推廣最多可享HK$1,320現金回贈。

8.       客戶於本推廣所獲享的現金回贈將於2025年5月31日或之前存入相關之合資格信用卡戶口內,惟現金回贈存入時其戶口須仍然生效及信貸狀況良好。

9.       現金回贈不可轉贈、轉讓、退換或兌換現金。

10.    所有獲享優惠本推廣的相關現金回贈優惠之簽賬必須於推廣期內交易及於2025年2月17日或之前入賬。

11.    客戶必須保留所有合資格簽賬之存根正本或正式交易紀錄。如有任何爭議,安信保留隨時要求客戶提供合資格簽賬存根正本或正式交易紀錄,及/或其他文件/證據的權利,以便安信作進一步核實。

12.    所有合資格簽賬被取消或退回將不會獲得優惠相應本推廣的現金回贈。客戶獲取現金回贈獎賞後,如用作計算現金回贈獎賞之合資格簽賬被取消或退回,安信有權從有關信用卡戶口扣除該簽賬可獲贈之現金回贈獎賞而毋須另行通知。

13.    安信及商戶保留隨時取消本推廣及/或修改有關條款及細則之權利而毋須另行通知。如有任何爭議,安信及商戶保留最終決定權。

14.    客戶明白及接納所有產品、贈品及/或服務並非由安信提供。安信對一切與各項產品、贈品及/或服務有關之責任概不承擔。所有與產品、贈品及服務相關之責任(包括但不限於其質素及供應量)均由商戶承擔。

15.    除客戶及安信外,任何人均無權根據香港法例第 623 章《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條款或享有任何條款中的利益。

16.    所有產品圖片、產品價錢及產品資料只供參考,詳情請向商戶查詢。

17.    所有優惠本推廣不可與商戶其他推廣優惠、折扣及現金券同時使用。

18.    中英文版本如有歧異,概以英文版本為準。

“Pricerite / TMF Shopping Privileges Promotion” Terms and Conditions:

1.       “Pricerite / TMF Shopping Privileges Promotion” (“Promotion”) is only applicable to cardholders with valid EarnMORE Credit Card or WeWa Credit Card (“Eligible Credit Card”) issued by PrimeCredit Limited (“PCL”) in Hong Kong (“Cardholders”).

2.       Promotion period of the Promotion is from 26 November 2024 to 10 February 2025 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).

3.       In order to enjoy the Offer of the Promotion, Cardholders must register at OmyCard Mobile Application (“Mobile Application”) within the Promotion Period and conduct transaction with their Eligible Credit Card at the brands, Pricerite and TMF (“Participating Brands”) of Pricerite Group Limited (collectively, “the Merchant”). Cardholders only need to register once at Mobile Application even Cardholders have more than one valid Eligible Credit Card.

4.       During the Promotion Period, Cardholders are entitled to HK$30 Cash Rebate upon conducting a single Eligible Transaction of HK$500 – HK$1,999, HK$100 Cash Rebate upon conducting a single Eligible Transaction of HK$2,000 – HK$4,999 or HK$330 Cash Rebate upon conducting a single Eligible Transaction of HK$5,000 or above with any of their Eligible Credit Card on purchase of any products at any Pricerite branches in Hong Kong and/or online store www.pricerite.com.hk and/or mobile app and/or on purchase of tailor-made furniture at any TMF branches in Hong Kong. (“Offer”).

5.       Eligible Transaction refers to retail purchase of the highest amount single transaction conducted in Participating Brandsthe Merchant with Eligible Credit Card in Hong Kong within a day during the Promotion Period (“Eligible Transaction”). If Cardholders conducted multiple transactions with Eligible Credit Card at the Merchant Participating Brands within a day, only Eligible Transaction will be used to calculate the cash rebate entitled by the Cardholder based on the OfferPromotion.

6.       Eligible Transaction excludes the following categories of transactions: transactions of purchasing Pricerite or TMF cash voucher, split transaction, transactions via mobile payment platform except OmyCard Mobile Application, UnionPay mobile application and Apple Pay, unposted/cancelled/refunded/returned/counterfeit transaction, all unauthorized transaction and any other categories of transactions as PCL and the Merchant may specify from time to time.

7.       Throughout the whole Promotion Period, eEach Cardholder can be entitled up to a maximum amount of HK$1,320 cash rebate from the PromotionOffer.

8.       The cash rebate that Cardholders is entitled to in the Offer Promotion will be credited to the relevant Eligible Credit Card accounts on or before 31 May 2025. Upon rebating the cash rebate, the Eligible Credit Card accounts must be valid and in good financial standing.

9.       The cash rebate is non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and cannot be exchange for cash.

10.    All transactions relevant for the cash rebate entitlement in the Offer Promotion must be made during Promotion Period and be posted on or before 17 February 2025.

11.    Cardholders are required to keep the relevant original credit card sales slips or official payment records of all Eligible SpendingTransactions. In case of any disputes, PCL reserves the right to request Cardholders to present the relevant original credit card sales slips or official payment records, and/or other supporting documents or proofs of the Eligible Spending Transactions for further verification.

12.    All returned or cancelled Eligible Spending Transactions will not entitle to relevant cash rebate in the OfferPromotion. PCL reserves the right to debit the relevant cash rebate from the credit card account(s) for any returned or cancelled Eligible Spending after the relevant cash rebate has been given without prior notice.

13.    PCL and the Merchant reserve the right to cancel the Promotion and/or amend the relevant terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of any disputes, the decision of PCL and the Merchant reserve the right of final decision.

14.    Cardholders understand and accept that all products, complimentary gifts and/or services are not provided by PCL. PCL accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with such products, complimentary gifts and/or services. All liabilities for any matters relating to the products, complimentary gifts and/or services (including but without limitation to their quality and supply) are solely borne by the Merchant.

15.    No person other than the Cardholders and PCL will have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623, the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term under these terms and conditions.

16.    All products photos, products price and products information are for reference only. For details, please contact the Merchant.

17.    The PromotionAll offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers, discounts and cash vouchers of the Merchant.

18.    Should there be any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.



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  • 【家匠TMF x 安信EarnMORE/WeWa信用卡】簽賬賺高達$1,320現金回贈*

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